Chat 365 @ Monash University

Monash University, Experimentation Group
July 2019December 2019
A chatbot to streamline the student service experience at Monash University, designed and built in-house using React and Dialogflow.

Project description

This was the first major web development project I worked on, being the focus of a 5 month full-time industry placement. (I happened to be assigned to the university itself, and ended up spending more time there than the rest of my degree combined 🤷‍♂️)

I came on during the early stages of the chatbot's development, working across both the front end and back end as well as designing content for the chatbot (training phrases, responses, etc.)

The front end is built using React with Hooks + Redux, while the back end is a Node.js application using Express. Client-server communication uses WebSockets, and Google's Dialogflow platform provides the chatbot's Natural Language Understanding (NLU).